Whittier, CA - July 5, 2023– CAPC, Inc begins its year-long celebration of its 40th Anniversary. CAPC, INC has a distinct history of advocacy and empowerment for individuals with disabilities. CAPC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving people with disabilities for 40 years. In 1984, CAPC began to provide services for adults with disabilities as an expansion of the Whittier Union High School District’s and Whittier Area Cooperative’s Special Education Program. CAPC, Inc. is the primary community-based program for adults exiting school district special education programs.
We work with Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to gain employment, assisted / supported living arrangements, and connects them to the community by providing access to various forms of transportation, improve their communication and help them pursue higher education while building strong genuine relationships within the community. We provide innovative Supported Employment and Supported Living Services for Adults with IDD to achieve an ideal level of quality of life which is specified by the individual themselves.
We strive to follow the philosophy that all people with disabilities are individuals with the ability to lead self-directed, productive, fulfilling lives while becoming contributing members of their community. The key strengths of CAPC are the quality of the community-based services that meet the needs of each of the individuals being served, the community support of the organization and its individuals, and the self-fulfillment of the individuals’ life aspirations. The uniqueness of the organization lies in its approach to providing services. All services are individual-driven; we start with the hopes and dreams of the individual and develop an individualized service plan to provide the person the opportunities and experiences to pursue his/her hopes and dreams. We pride ourselves on the Person-Centered aspect of our service models and ensure that the individuals have a say in the services being received and who is providing the services. Daily, we strive to make a difference in the lives of those we service and nurture growth, success, happiness, and independence.
CAPC’s work has been highlighted in several video productions including a PBS film titled “Visionaries”, which debuted in 2004, and “Everyone Can Work”, produced by the Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center.
CAPC Believes
- All people have talents and capabilities.
- All people continue to learn and grow through their lifetime.
- All people can work and contribute to their community as valued members.
- All people should be respected and listened to.
- All people should be given the opportunity to make decisions and be as independent as possible.
- All people, regardless of the severity of their disability, can live successfully in their own home.
- All people should lead self-directed lives.